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Regalo all'ordine da parte dell' autore

ECCE book on Civil Engineering Heritage is composed of contributions from ECCE member organizations and promotes Civil Engineering through presentation of emblematic civil engineering projects already built in Europe.

With 384 pages and 502 photographs, our book presents 208 different structures from 17 ECCE member countries.

Our book "Civil Engineering Heritage in Europe" is a great coffee table hardcover book, a pefect gift and ideal to sit on a coffee table or similar surface in an area where guests sit and are entertained.


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Contatta l'Ordine

Ordine Ingegneri Provincia di Perugia
Via Campo di Marte, 9
06124 Perugia
Codice Fiscale: 80017570542
Tel: +39 075 500 12 00
Email: segreteria@ordineingegneriperugia.it
PEC: ordine.perugia@ingpec.eu

Orari della Segreteria

Lunedì: 11 - 13
Martedì: 16 - 18
Mercoledì: 11 - 13
Giovedì: 11 - 13
Venerdì: 11 - 13

La Fondazione

Fondazione Ordine Ingegneri Prov.Perugia
Via Campo di Marte, 9 - 06124 Perugia
Codice Fiscale: 
Partita IVA: 03273070544
Tel: +39 075 501 02 56
Email: fondazione@ordineingegneriperugia.it
PEC: fondazione.pg@ingpec.eu


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